The remixed and revived version of the waistcoat have found acceptance among both the genders. The whole new look has brought about a lot of transition in the way the formal waistcoats are worn. Choose from a wide range of style s and types and wear waistcoats anywhere, for formal parties, office meetings, casual outings . It's the perfect Formal or Casual wear...
Apart from men's waistcoat styles, women's waistcoats have also become a fashion statement over the years. There a number of styles and creative designs in women's waistcoat designs. Single breasted and double breasted, both styles are very popular. But single breasted waistcoats are usually restricted to formal wear among women. Double breasted and designer waistcoats are highly demanded among women and are also worn in very different and smart styles.
To get My Casual Look have paired mine with a looseT ,Jeggings & Red Sandal Boots!
Top from ZARA
Waistcoat from PROMOD
Jeggings from MNG
Bag from PROMOD
Neck piece & Bangle from Accessorize
Watch from ALDO
Sandal Boots from Tresmode
Very Delicious Look:)